Friday, April 18, 2008

Smoke on the water: Hamas gathers the tools with Carter's embrace

Carter at Arafat's grave

Iran Smuggling Arms into Gaza by Sea -Yaakov Katz & Herb Keinon

Iran has stepped up its efforts to smuggle weapons into Gaza by using floatable devices that it drops near the waters off the Gaza coast to be picked up by Palestinian fisherman.

Iran is now sending rockets and other advanced weaponry to Hamas and Islamic Jihad by sea as well as via tunnels dug under the border to Egyptian Sinai.

"They throw the weapons overboard in waterproof, sealed tubes which then float into the Gaza waters and are picked up by fishermen," one official said. "Sometimes Navy boats intercept them and sometimes they get through."
(Jerusalem Post)

Carter's Confusion -Clifford D. May

When Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler in Munich, he no doubt believed he could reason with him because he also no doubt believed that the Fuhrer was a reasonable man like himself. Offer Hitler a good deal - land, power, prestige - and surely he'd take it rather than plunge his nation into a terrible war.

What this leaves out is ideology. Hitler's ideas inspired millions to fight and die for the glory of the Third Reich. And Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist ideology inspired millions to fight and die for the illusion of a Communist utopia.
(National Review)

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