Thursday, July 17, 2008

Note Kuntar's hand gesture

Samir Kuntar gestures to thousands of his fans. His resemblance to another historical figure is unmistakable.
They get a huge victory rally...we get...

(Outside of Regev home)
[AP Photos]


LHwrites said...

This is a travesty. I cannot imagine that this was the only thing left to do. There are still unaccounted for Israelis. Maybe if the terrorist prisoners were guaranteed to be returned in the exact shape as the Israeli prisoners, things would work differently. Maybe not. At least there would be fewer active terrorists promising to begin anew.

Bruce said...

Such a big mistake. Israeli is beginning to create its own troubles. We are very far from the days of Entebbe, when even talking to a terrorist with blood dripping from his hands would have been unthinkable.