Dump the CEIRPP -Editorial
With the arguable exception of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, which in 1947 called for the establishment of independent Jewish and Arab states - and which the Arabs rejected out of hand - just about every subsequent UN stand on the conflict has been to Israel's detriment.
Not once has the GA unequivocally reprimanded the PLO or Hamas for engaging in airline-hijackings, bus bombings and other forms of anti-civilian warfare. Israel, in contrast, is censured at every opportunity.
In 1975 the UN established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP). Unlike the Kurds, Roma, Copts, Uighur, Tibetans, and others peoples' who plead for international support, only the Palestinian Arabs have a permanent UN-funded body which does nothing but agitate on their behalf.
This newspaper endorses a campaign initiated by the Anti-Defamation League urging UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to dismantle the committee on the grounds that it is the "single most prolific source of material bearing the official imprimatur of the UN which maligns and debases the Jewish state."
The CEIRPP is an obstacle to peace - it needs to go.
(Jerusalem Post)

If you build it, they won't come -David Solway
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay [pictured above] announced that Israel must demolish the wall (which, incidentally, is mainly a fence), now two-thirds completed, between Israel's eastern border and the West Bank.
There is, of course, not the slightest allusion to the families of the more than one thousand Israeli victims of Palestinian terror since the start of the second intifada, who were affected precisely by the lack of such a barrier and who should by rights be receiving Palestinian reparations.
Pillay also has nothing to say about the palisade being built by the government of Thailand, which is higher and longer than the Israeli barrier, to cordon off two million Muslims living in the south of the country. She has nothing to say about the "wall of shame" dividing Morocco from Western Sahara (1,500 miles), the electrified fence between Botswana and Zimbabwe (300 miles), and the soon-to-be-completed, ten-foot-high barrier along the entire border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, built by the Saudis to discourage terrorist infiltration. Security barriers have also been erected by India, Cyprus, and even by the UN, which installed a security barrier to protect Kuwait from Iraq. The U.S. is justifiably constructing a fence along its southwestern border with Mexico to prevent the influx of illegal immigration.
Both the American and Israeli fences have been compared to the Berlin Wall, an accusation which misses the point entirely. The Berlin Wall was intended to keep citizens in, not interlopers out.
(Pajamas Media)
With the arguable exception of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, which in 1947 called for the establishment of independent Jewish and Arab states - and which the Arabs rejected out of hand - just about every subsequent UN stand on the conflict has been to Israel's detriment.
Not once has the GA unequivocally reprimanded the PLO or Hamas for engaging in airline-hijackings, bus bombings and other forms of anti-civilian warfare. Israel, in contrast, is censured at every opportunity.
In 1975 the UN established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP). Unlike the Kurds, Roma, Copts, Uighur, Tibetans, and others peoples' who plead for international support, only the Palestinian Arabs have a permanent UN-funded body which does nothing but agitate on their behalf.
This newspaper endorses a campaign initiated by the Anti-Defamation League urging UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to dismantle the committee on the grounds that it is the "single most prolific source of material bearing the official imprimatur of the UN which maligns and debases the Jewish state."
The CEIRPP is an obstacle to peace - it needs to go.
(Jerusalem Post)

If you build it, they won't come -David Solway
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay [pictured above] announced that Israel must demolish the wall (which, incidentally, is mainly a fence), now two-thirds completed, between Israel's eastern border and the West Bank.
There is, of course, not the slightest allusion to the families of the more than one thousand Israeli victims of Palestinian terror since the start of the second intifada, who were affected precisely by the lack of such a barrier and who should by rights be receiving Palestinian reparations.
Pillay also has nothing to say about the palisade being built by the government of Thailand, which is higher and longer than the Israeli barrier, to cordon off two million Muslims living in the south of the country. She has nothing to say about the "wall of shame" dividing Morocco from Western Sahara (1,500 miles), the electrified fence between Botswana and Zimbabwe (300 miles), and the soon-to-be-completed, ten-foot-high barrier along the entire border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, built by the Saudis to discourage terrorist infiltration. Security barriers have also been erected by India, Cyprus, and even by the UN, which installed a security barrier to protect Kuwait from Iraq. The U.S. is justifiably constructing a fence along its southwestern border with Mexico to prevent the influx of illegal immigration.
Both the American and Israeli fences have been compared to the Berlin Wall, an accusation which misses the point entirely. The Berlin Wall was intended to keep citizens in, not interlopers out.
(Pajamas Media)
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