Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Israel plays major role in Haiti

Short video of Israel's Field Hospital in Haiti
[Hat Tip: Maggie]

Israeli Hospital Only Facility for Complex Surgery -Yitzhak Benhorin

U.S. media praised the assistance in Haiti provided by Israel, and one reporter even sent a letter of thanks to Israeli representatives in New York.

CNN reported that Israel's field hospital is the one facility equipped with all that is required for surgical operations. Doctors from various aid missions are sending patients requiring surgery to Israel's hospital, particularly those whose condition is critical.

Other field hospitals contain no more than stretcher beds and medical teams who administer first aid, and they are not prepared for complex surgery. ABC reported that the U.S. had sent staff for a field hospital, but they had still not received the instruments required for surgery.
(Ynet News)

Aid to Haiti: Arabs Opt Out -Tom Gross

A CBS/AP report lists countries providing aid to Haiti. Conspicuous by its absence is the entire Muslim world, including the rich oil-producing nations.

However, Arab countries do not discriminate against non-Muslim countries. Their help was missing after the earthquakes in Turkey and Iran and during war and famine in Muslim Africa too.
(Mideast Dispatch Archive)


Israel to the Rescue -David Horovitz

While other countries dithered, countries both nearer and far better resourced, Israel utilized [its] experience and got down to business in Haiti.

Our "light unto the nations" Haitian relief effort encapsulated much of what is best about our country.

While relief teams from more than two dozen countries were running into all kinds of logistical difficulties, the Israeli teams, quietly, efficiently, and with a minimum of fuss, somehow circumvented or cleared all the obstacles, and went to work.

There is one thing that our Haiti rescue outreach made emphatically clear, and that the Palestinians might want to ponder: If you're in trouble and you're not trying to kill us, there's no one like the Israelis to help you out.
(Jerusalem Post)



LHwrites said...

These facts are evident. it takes people to care for there to be conspicuous outrage.

LHwrites said...

Good for Israel, though!!

Bruce said...

Indeed, indeed...welcome back to comment land!

LHwrites said...

Yes, it has been a while. For posting too, but I got back to both this morning and will hopefully be able to keep it up....