Many of the worst errors in Iraq arose precisely because the Bush administration best-cased what would happen after Saddam was overthrown. Now many opponents of the war are making the very same best-case mistake--assuming we can pull back in the midst of a critical battle with impunity, even arguing that our retreat will reduce the terrorism and sectarian violence in Iraq.
In fact, halting the current security operation at midpoint, as virtually all of the congressional proposals seek to do, would have devastating consequences.
A precipitous pullout would leave a gaping security vacuum in its wake, which terrorists, insurgents, militias and Iran would rush to fill--probably resulting in a spiral of ethnic cleansing and slaughter on a scale as yet unseen in Iraq.
I appeal to my colleagues in Congress to step back and think carefully about what to do next.
[Wall Street Journal]
Below is short clip of Senator Lieberman's speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee recently:
"There is something profoundly wrong when opposition to the war in Iraq seems to inspire greater passion than opposition to Islamist extremism. There is something profoundly wrong when there is so much distrust of our intelligence community that some Americans doubt the plain and ominous facts about the threat to us posed by Iran. And there is something profoundly wrong when, in the face of attacks by radical Islam, we think we can find safety and stability by pulling back, by talking to and accommodating our enemies, and abandoning our friends and allies. Some of this wrong-headed thinking about the world is happening because we're in a political climate where, for many people, when George Bush says 'yes,' their reflex reaction is to say 'no.' That is unacceptable.”
This is kind of funny coming from "things are going well in Iraq" Joe, but nevertheless if there is merit to his view, it should be examined anyway. But there isn't. What is going on in Iraq now is all of that, and virtually unchecked. It would not get "much" worse if left a bit more to their own. If there is a genuinely new strategy out there I think the US would listen. Joe's brand of fear-mongering, saying, "well, at least staying is better than not" is meaningless. He was right in there, CLUELESS---with the rest of the Bush administration. There are no answers from any of these 'dogs of war' none of which actually served in combat themselves.
Why on earth would we take advice on military strategy from a man who said things were going great in Iraq? These people lie endlessly and then call the rest of us unrealistic ideologues. Are these people stupid or just evil?
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