Valentine's Day is considered forbidden by Islam in Hamas-ruled Gaza.
Yet on Thursday flower shops in Gaza City's better neighborhoods displayed rows of flower-filled buckets and heart-shaped decorations, and sold homegrown carnations to women in Islamic head scarves.
The Rose Flower Shop had managed to bring in 500 roses from Israel, using Gaza medical patients treated in Israel as "mules," and had about 50 roses left.
Across the Arab world, attitudes toward Valentine's Day are a gauge for the level of fundamentalism. The holiday is outlawed in Saudi Arabia, where religious police enforce the ban.
I'm guessing they're not big on St. Patrick's Day either.
St. Valentine's Day came from a priest named Valentine who was imprisoned in 270 AD for marrying women with Roman soldiers, thereby supposedly 'weakening' them, so the Government was against the soldiers getting married. He fell in love with his jailer's daughter and signed his last letter to her "From Your Valentine".
It's good to see that love and the market are stronger than unreasonableness. Since many Islamic clerics condemn it as a non-Muslim Holiday, and say that Muslims may not celebrate a Christian (or Pagan) holiday; and since their 'Religious Police' enforce this, it's pretty safe to say that Sharia Law is against this. Not all Muslims of course, just the Law governing them in Saudi Arabia and other countries.
India's radical Hindus are rabidly against V-Day too. There will be squads out looking for cuddly couples, who if caught will be taken to a government office and forcibly married.
How very enlightened and civilized.
here’s an absurd thought -
your Supreme God says
outlaw Valentine's Day
confiscate ALL red roses
keep men and women apart
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
Valentine's Day is evil
it just reminds the people
about Christianity
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
destroy ALL Valentine's cards
remove items colored red
from all the store's shelves
absurd thought -
God of the Universe fears
a Christian minority
even though they may not build
or repair their churches
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