Political Tumult in Iran Continues -Nazila Fathi
Iran's leaders failed to halt a second day of huge demonstrations against last week's election results. Reformist politicians said they would accept only a new election...
(New York Times)
Mossad: Riots in Iran Will Die Down -Yossi Melman & Yuval Azoulay
Mossad chief Meir Dagan told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the riots in Iran over the election results will die out in a few days rather than escalate into a revolution.
The Mossad believe[s] that Iran [will] have its first nuclear bomb ready for action in 2014, "if the project continues at the present rate and is not interrupted."
Death of the Islamic Republic in Five Acts -Daniel Brumberg
Every revolution ends up devouring its children. In this case, the menu includes many grandchildren as well.
In the coming days we will probably see a systematic purge of anyone who opposes Iran's new Caesar.
(Washington Post)
Iran's Hidden Revolution -Danielle Pletka & Ali Alfoneh
[T]he elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps has effected a silent coup d'etat. Iran has evolved from a theocratic state to a military dictatorship.
(New York Times)
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