This bare-budget, poorly done trailer was used as a pretext by Islamists to attack American assets in Libya and Egypt on the anniversary of 9-11. However, the video has been posted since 2011. Rumors that the film was made by an Israeli were proven false.
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An American flag is torn from the Cairo's US Embassy...Egyptian police were suspiciously absent |
Protesters Scale U.S. Embassy Walls in Cairo over Prophet "Insult"
-Kristen Chick
Protesters scaled the wall of the heavily-fortified U.S. embassy in Cairo, angry over a film that Egyptian media reported was produced in the U.S.
Some climbed over the wall and tore down the American flag, raising instead a black flag with an Islamic inscription that is often associated with Islamic extremists.
(Christian Science Monitor)
US. Embassy in Cairo Condemns Mohammed Video -Byron Tau
"The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions," the embassy said in a statement published online.
Obama Administration Disavows Cairo Apology -Byron Tau
The Obama administration is disavowing a statement from its own Cairo embassy that seemed to apologize for anti-Muslim activity in the United States.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the film depicts the Muslim prophet Muhammed as a "womanizer, pedophile and fraud" — a depiction bound to offend many Muslims.
The embassy came under widespread criticism for failing to defend free speech in the face of threats of violence. Egyptian protesters rioted anyway, breaching the embassy walls and tearing down the American flag.
Diplomat Killed in Attack on Consulate in Libya
A large mob firing automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades burned down the U.S. consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing an American diplomat, the State Department said.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement:
"The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others."
(AP-Fox News)
Embassy Attacks: Days in the Making -Sara Lynch and Oren Dorell
Days of planning and online promotion by hard-line Islamist leaders helped whip up the mobs that stormed the U.S. Embassy in Egypt and launched a deadly attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya. The protest was planned by Salafists well before news circulated of an objectionable video ridiculing Islam's prophet, Muhammad, said Eric Trager, an expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
The protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was announced Aug. 30 by Jamaa Islamiya, a State Department-designated terrorist group, to protest the ongoing imprisonment of its spiritual leader, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who is serving a life sentence in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
(USA Today)
Manipulated Outrage and Misplaced Fury -Husain Haqqani
The attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions this week should be seen for what they really are: an effort by Islamists to garner support and mobilize their base by exacerbating anti-Western sentiments. When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to calm Muslims Thursday by denouncing the video, she was unwittingly playing along with the ruse the radicals set up. The U.S. would have been better off focusing on the only outrage that was of legitimate interest to the American government: the lack of respect for U.S. diplomatic missions.
Protests orchestrated on the pretext of slights and offenses against Islam have been part of Islamist strategy for decades. Iran's ayatollahs built an entire revolution around anti-Americanism. Islamists have a vested interest in continuously fanning the flames of Muslim victimhood.
(Wall Street Journal)
The Politics of Outrage -Issandr El Amrani
Protests and incitement about books, films or statements deemed insulting to Islam have for decades been a staple tool of Islamists.
The 2005 Danish cartoon crisis, when thousands took to the streets months after they had been published, was fomented in good part by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. In Syria and Gaza, governments apparently allowed several European embassies to be raided. The Danish embassy in Pakistan was also bombed.
(The National-Abu Dhabi)
Thought you wouldn't be able to resist posting about this. I think the collateral damage might be more severe than anybody could have predicted. My thoughts on it are here, if you're interested...
Hi John I enjoyed reading your blog and agree that the film was just a pretext. It should be an interesting roller coaster to see how this plays out.
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