Monday, June 13, 2016

Jihad & A Disney-like Illusion

Jihad in Orlando - Editorial

A young American Muslim pledging allegiance to Islamic State is now responsible for the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. 

Can we finally drop the illusion that the jihadist fires that burn in the Middle East don't pose an urgent and deadly threat to the American homeland? The killer was heard shouting "allahu Akbar" (God is great) as he fired away.
[T]he only real solution is to destroy Islamic State in its havens abroad so young Muslims around the world won't see it as the vanguard of the future. 
(Wall Street Journal)


How Many Bodies Will it Take? - Phyllis Chesler, PhD

How many bodies will it take for Americans, especially the intelligentsia, including the feminists, including gay people, including our elected officials, before they understand that we: (the West, America, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslim and ex-Muslim dissidents) have a very real enemy? It is radical Islam or Islamism, and it is not going away anytime soon.

Clearly, more than 3,000 bodies on 9/11 were not enough. Clearly, the many millions of Muslims murdered by Muslim Jihadists have not been enough. Will the murder of 49 gay Americans finally be “enough?” Somehow I doubt it but I certainly hope so.

How many deaths before we become effective in identifying potential Jihadists? Within our borders? Arriving as refugees and immigrants? How many deaths before we are willing to use the word “Muslim terrorist” without fearing we will be demonized for doing so?

The gay websites are more focused on general “hate” against gays and gun control than they are focused on the nature and the danger of radical Islam. The gay communities have been willing to march against Israel—but never against Jihad?

Long ago, Natan Sharansky asked me if I thought I could “turn the feminists, the leftists, the gays around.” I told him that I doubted it, but that I would try. Will these 49 dead and 53 wounded start that “turning?” We shall see.
[FrontPage Magazine]

Orlando Shooter Scouted Disney World in Search for Targets
- Pervaiz Shallwani

Omar Mateen had visited Walt Disney World while he was searching for targets, two officials said.  
(Wall Street Journal)

DHS Report: Don't Offend Muslims - Douglas Ernst

A report by the Homeland Security Advisory Council released days before the Islamic terror attack in Orlando, Florida, stressed the importance of combating extremism by avoiding terms that might offend Muslims.

A HSAC subcommittee first created by DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson in 2015 published its report on June 9.
Some instructions found in the report include:

  • Officials should not use the word “jihad.”
  • Officials should not use the word “sharia.”
  • Officials should not use the word “takfir,” which is done when one Muslim accuses another of apostasy.
  • Officials are instructed to “reject religiously-charged terminology and problematic positioning by using plain meaning American English.”
[Washington Times]
For the official ISIS video celebrating the Orlando attack, click HERE

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