Wake-Up Time for Rice -Editorial
Is Condoleezza Rice the last person who still believes that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is possible by January?
Rice no doubt will find Olmert and Abbas ready to talk, setting off another round of diplomatic and political rhetoric about the importance of negotiations. But none of the leading players in this drama can overcome the reality that they have overplayed the peace hand, at least for now.
They should be putting the process on hold and paving the way for new and creative paradigms to deal with a very old problem: refusal to acknowledge a legitimate Jewish state in the Middle East.
(The Jewish Week)
EU Aid to Palestine Is Funding the Conflict -Daniel Hannan [pictured above]
[I]t is becoming increasingly clear that overseas aid is arresting a political settlement in the region. Palestinians receive more assistance, per capita, than any other people on Earth, and live in one of its most violent spaces. The two facts are connected.
The idea that aggression can be buried under a landslide of euros sounds reasonable, but it is based on a false premise, namely that political violence is caused by economic deprivation.
Palestinians are a naturally enterprising people who, in other Arab states, often form the professional and administrative class. A capitalist Palestine would be more stable. Its propertied classes would have a stake in civil order.
None of this will happen, however, as long as Palestinians remain trapped in dependency.
The author is a Member of the European Parliament
(Telegraph -- UK)
Is Condoleezza Rice the last person who still believes that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is possible by January?
Rice no doubt will find Olmert and Abbas ready to talk, setting off another round of diplomatic and political rhetoric about the importance of negotiations. But none of the leading players in this drama can overcome the reality that they have overplayed the peace hand, at least for now.
They should be putting the process on hold and paving the way for new and creative paradigms to deal with a very old problem: refusal to acknowledge a legitimate Jewish state in the Middle East.
(The Jewish Week)

[I]t is becoming increasingly clear that overseas aid is arresting a political settlement in the region. Palestinians receive more assistance, per capita, than any other people on Earth, and live in one of its most violent spaces. The two facts are connected.
The idea that aggression can be buried under a landslide of euros sounds reasonable, but it is based on a false premise, namely that political violence is caused by economic deprivation.
Palestinians are a naturally enterprising people who, in other Arab states, often form the professional and administrative class. A capitalist Palestine would be more stable. Its propertied classes would have a stake in civil order.
None of this will happen, however, as long as Palestinians remain trapped in dependency.
The author is a Member of the European Parliament
(Telegraph -- UK)
Yes, I believe that Rice and W. Bush are harmful to MidEast future. Surely I have mentioned this before?? Clearly, throwing Euros at the problem is not the answer either, but it does salve the conscious of those who should do more, but don't seem willing.
By the way, for anyone interested, my health care reform blog is active again, and owing to certain work related speaking engagements, the anti-stigma blog will be active soon, also.
Ah, welcome back to the blogosphere!
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