It is a strange situation when Egypt and Jordan feel it necessary to defend Israel against American criticism. But this is the situation in which we find ourselves today.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the House of Representatives that Arab support for Israel's bid to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is contingent on its agreeing to support the rapid establishment of a Palestinian state. In her words, "For Israel to get the kind of strong support it's looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can't stay on the sidelines with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts."
But just around the time that Clinton was making this statement, Jordan's King Abdullah II was telling The Washington Post that he is satisfied with the Netanyahu government's position on the Palestinians.
[L]ast week's visit by Egypt's intelligence chief Omar Suleiman clearly demonstrated that Egypt wishes to work with [Israel]. Coming as it did on the heels of Egypt's revelation that Iranian-controlled Hizbullah agents were arrested for planning strategic attacks against it, Suleiman's visit was a clear sign that Egypt is as keen as Israel to neutralize Iranian power in the region by preventing it from acquiring nuclear weapons.
Egypt and Jordan are not alone in supporting Israel's commitment to preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power. [L]eaders of the Gulf states from are praying for Israel to strike Iran's nuclear facilities and only complain that it has waited so long to attack them. [O]ne American who recently met with Persian Gulf leaders explained, "As far as the Gulf leaders are concerned, Israel cannot attack Iran fast enough. They understand what the stakes are."
Unfortunately, the nature of those stakes has clearly eluded the Obama administration. As the Arabs line up behind Israel, the Obama administration is operating under the delusion that the Iranians will be convinced to give up their nuclear program if Israel destroys its communities in Judea and Samaria.
If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the Obama administration can throw its hopes for Middle East peace out the window. Today, even without nuclear weapons, Iran is the major force behind the continued Palestinian war against Israel. Iran exerts complete control over Hamas and Islamic Jihad and partial control over Fatah.
It is true that you can't help but get a funny feeling when you see the Arabs defending Israel from American criticism. But with the Obama administration's Middle East policy firmly grounded in La La Land, what choice do they have?
They understand that today, all that stands between them and the mullahs, is the Israel Air Force and Binyamin Netanyahu's courage.
[Jerusalem Post]
[Hat Tip: DovP]
Netanyahu Bids to Change "Diskette" -David Horovitz
Israel's new government will formally unveil its foreign policy when Prime Minister Netanyahu meets with President Obama at the White House on May 18.
Netanyahu will set out to achieve a changing of the international "diskette."
[T]here is no prospect of substantive progress with the Palestinians unless Iran's nuclear drive is halted. Iran threatens Israel directly, via Hizbullah to the north and via Hamas in the south. But if Iran is cowed, moderate Palestinians and more moderate forces throughout our region would be liberated.
(Jerusalem Post)
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