Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who should be making 'confidence building' gestures?

Building Israeli Confidence -Herb Keinon

The Arab world doesn't seem to get it.

Israel made confidence-building moves by:

1. [L]etting Yasser Arafat set up a Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Gaza following the Oslo Accords

2. [N]egotiating with th[e] PA twice for an almost complete pullback from the West Bank

3. [U]prooting two dozen settlements and withdrawing totally from Gaza four years ago

4. [R]ecently removing dozens of roadblocks in the West Bank.

The Arab world simply doesn't understand that - coming off the second intifada that followed the Camp David talks in 2000, and bouncing back from the creation of Hamastan that followed Israel's pullback from Gaza - Israel now needs its confidence built.

After years of feeling that it was giving and giving to the Palestinians, and not getting anything but terrorism in return, the Israeli public now wants something up front.
(Jerusalem Post)


Jacq said...

All your posts are excellent. Concise and comprehensive. Peole need to be exposed to this.

Bruce said...

Thank you, thank you. More exposure would be wonderful...feel free to tell others, subscribe to my daily email feed or [something old fashioned like] talking it up.

Bruce :}