Monday, February 22, 2010

VideoBite: College battleground...Intifada Comes to Campus

A poignant 6 minute video documenting the emergence of the college campus as the new battleground


LHwrites said...

That was a fascinating and disturbing look at a trend, that I have no doubt, sadly, is accurate. It is the minds of young, educated, independent college students that often take up the causes of the opressed. The problem is that there has been a distinct lack of indepth education on the current mideast situation. Student;s don't know the complexities and look at it simplistically; that there must be an opressed and opressor and it is clear who is in charge there.... A standardized course on world relations needs to be taught but I am sure there would be outcries at schoolboards across the nation at some perceived sleight or inequity. People like Jimmy carter certainly have not helped. Israel needs to recruit non-Jewish actors---intellectuals and personalities to take up the cause. To leave the situation to Jewish groups leaves the defense with too small a position. The ideas of human rights, strategic alliance and democracy must be publicized by our own politcians who know why they support Israel. It is complicated and I am not sure how it is going to get better. I agree with one opinion in the video that the situation on college campuses, in regards to Israel, is eroding.

Bruce said...

I like your PR idea of having non-Jewish celebs and intellectuals take up the cause.

May it be so.