Hamas terror operative Ahmad Youssef told the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that in the months leading up to his election, Obama's advisers held steady contacts with the leaders of the terror group in Gaza, and had asked that Hamas keep the meetings secret in order not to harm Obama's chances of being elected.
Both Obama's transition team and Hamas leaders were quick to deny Youssef's statements. Yet, together with the earlier Times of London story about Malley's contacts with Hamas and the new revelations about Malley serving as Obama's unofficial Middle East envoy, the Al-Hayat report has the ring of truth.
What is most alarming about Obama's emerging foreign policy toward Iran and its proxies on the one hand and Israel on the other is that it will cause actual harm to the Jewish state.
As for direct talks with Iran itself, the question immediately arises, what could Obama offer Teheran in exchange for an end to its nuclear program that hasn't already [been] offered?
What it can offer is Israel.
Obama's top nuclear nonproliferation adviser, Joe Cirincione, has repeatedly advocated placing Israel's nuclear arsenal on the negotiating table and offering it up in exchange for an Iranian pledge to end its nuclear program.
[I]f as Cirincione advocates, Obama intends to place Israel's nuclear arsenal on the negotiating table, he will effectively be giving Iran a green light to attack Israel with nuclear weapons.
All of the Obama team's post-election/pre-inaugural foreign policy signals place Israel's next government - which will only be elected on February 10 - in an extraordinarily difficult position.
It is not just that their positions make clear that the Obama administration will do nothing to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The Obama team's pre-inaugural signals indicate strongly that Israel's next government will need to strike Iran's nuclear installations before two rapidly approaching deadlines.
The strike will have to occur before the mullahs enrich sufficient quantities of highly enriched uranium to produce nuclear bombs. And Israel will need to neutralize Iran's nuclear program before the Obama administration begins implementing America's new foreign policy.
[Jerusalem Post]
This is the dumbest, most baseless, fear mongering tripe to come from Glick and her kind yet! And that is saying a lot. As if America can offer up Israel's nuclear arsenal. As if America can have a nuclear Iran destabilizing the MidEast and oil supplies for the few decades that oil will still be important. We could not tolerate a nuclear Iran even if Israel did not exist. Obama secretly cavorting with Hamas?? Glick needs to get out more. There is no evidence that Obama is for Hamas, against Israel or anything else of this nature. He merely wants to change American foreign policy, which scares a lot of people, and believes Muslims are people too, which scares Conservatives since George W. proved Conservatives can't tell the difference between terrorists in one country, and innocent civilians in another. I predict things in the world will get better under Obama, mainly because they could not get worse thanks to W. Bush and the Republicans. Because of them: WE HAVE BEEN MOVING TOWARDS AN EMPOWERED NUCLEAR IRAN, ISRAEL HAS NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS FROM RECENT AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, THE AMERICAN AND, SUBSEQUENTLY, THE WORLD ECONOMIES ARE IN THE TOILET, etc., etc., etc. Glick should join W. Bush and Sarah Palin on the 2009 "We were not very good for our country, but we can still talk and get paid a lot for it because Conservatives will believe anything" tour. They can do Limbaugh, Hannity and indeed, the entire FOX NEWS lineup.
You miss Ms. Glick entirely. She is not a "conservative." In Israel "right" and "left" are only indicators which place one on the spectrum of how much land one is willing to cede to Arabs.
Trying to paint her with GW or Governor Palin is off target. She is a world respected Israeli foreign policy expert. Her speculation is certainly worthy of a look.
I've posted both negative and positive material about Obama post-election.
Time will tell who is reading the tea leaves correctly.
Glick is a fellow at the Center for Security Policy, started by Reagan era people and taking conservative positions in many areas, including 'dispelling the myths of global warming'. A London based group says Obama reps spoke with Hamas, Obama's people say no...so of course the terror tied group that lies everyday about so many things must be telling the truth about this. If by "world respected" you mean Conservatives in America, and hard-liners in Israel, that I can verify, but from what I have found about the Center for Security Policy and her beliefs, I will stand by my assertion that she fits in with Bush, et. al. and cannot tell the difference betwen a Muslim shopkeeper in Iraq and an Al-Qaeda terrorist member of the Afghan Taliban.
As I always point out, and tell people to check out when they are talking to me about my blog, that yours is an excellent blog and force for enlightenment about the MidEast. You have indeed had some positive stuff about Obama and some pieces about engaging Iran. I never lose sight of that when making any comment about an individual post. Many of the writers you mention are stuck in the same mode that has not worked for them for many years, and has been detrimental since W. Bush has been around. America invited in change, very recently. It might be wise to see if the MidEast can benefit from the same attitude.
This article has too many unproven assumptions for me to find it believable.
Also, I seriously doubt that Rahm Emanuel would be friends with Obama and agree to be his Chief of Staff if Obama were willing to sell out Israel.
[A] "force for enlightenment about the MidEast"...thank you for that great compliment LH.
Gloria makes a good point about the selection of Emanuel...and, i would add, the proported selection of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Both would seem to indicate a strong foreign policy. Time will tell.
Iran will go nuclear or be stopped on Obama's watch.
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