A young Hosni Mubarak in military regalia
Egyptian MP: Nothing Will Work with Israel Except Nuclear Bomb
"That cursed Israel is trying to destroy al-Aqsa mosque," Mohammed el-Katatny of President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party told a heated Egyptian parliament session on Monday.
"Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence," he said.
While his remarks should be intolerable, you can imagine that no other Arab is going to say that.This construction has caused a lot of bad feelings and if you read the related articles you can reach from the main one, you will ee that because of all the anger, and the fact that the construction is in a sensitive area, that they have stopped some work and are having public hearings on the matter, just like we would in America before we began a project of that nature. Israel is taking the right, and the high, road. Let us see how that is received.
Perhaps it is the high road...but it also rewards jihadist rioters who lack a legitimate complaint.
The "legitimate" complaint, is unwarranted fear. All the hearings and delay have promised, is transparency, which the Israelis say they want to give because it will show that no harm is meant or will be done. In a sensitive area, the Israelis again are demonstrating that they are a respectful and peaceful people at heart, and it is the way to recapture the moral high ground and put the UN security council in the position to have to defend them instead of censure them. With all the looming issues from Iran to Iraq to the Palestinians, Israel needs to gain as much goodwill as it can, while it can.
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