Hamas TV: 180 Killed Are from Hamas Armed Forces -Itamar Marcus & Barbara Crook

Hamas TV acknowledged that the vast majority of those killed are from the Hamas military.
(Palestinian Media Watch-FrontPageMagazine)
Iran Orders Muslims to Defend Palestinians in Gaza -Zahra Hosseinian
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a religious decree to Muslims around the world, ordering them to defend Palestinians against Israel's attacks in Gaza, state television said.
Khamenei also criticized some Arab governments for their "encouraging silence" towards the Israeli raids in Gaza.
With Strikes, Israel Reminds Foes It Has Teeth -Ethan Bronner
The risk to Israel in Gaza is that if the operation fails or leaves Hamas in the position of scrappy survivor or even somehow perceived as the victor, it could then dominate Palestinian politics for years to come.
(New York Times)

Fear of Rockets Sends Israeli Hospital Underground -Aron Heller
Wary of a missile strike from nearby Gaza, Ashkelon's Barzilai Hospital has moved its most essential departments into an underground bomb shelter [photo above].
In Barzilai's underground children's ward, sick Gazans lay alongside sick Israelis. Dr. Ron Lobel, the hospital's deputy director, said that his facility had close ties with Gaza's Shifa hospital, and accepted many of its patients who need treatment the Gazan hospital cannot provide.

Two Katyusha rockets that Hamas fired deep into Israel on Sunday are the same type launched by Hizbullah during the Second Lebanon War, an Israel Police source said.
(Jerusalem Post)
Made in China or Iran -Amos Harel
The two long-range Katyushas were made either in China or Iran.
Air Force Hits Explosives Laboratories at Islamic University in Gaza -Yaakov Katz
The Israel Air Force on Monday targeted two laboratories at the Islamic University in Gaza City which served as research and development centers for Hamas' military wing. The development of explosives was done under the auspices of university professors. The IDF said rockets and explosives were stored in the buildings.
According to a poll broadcast on Channel 10, 81% of Israelis support the war in Gaza and only 17% oppose it.
(Jerusalem Post)

Jerusalem: No International Pressure to End Gaza Operation -Herb Keinon
Israel is feeling "no real pressure" from the international community to end the operation in Gaza, senior diplomatic officials said.
The two long-range Katyushas were made either in China or Iran.
Air Force Hits Explosives Laboratories at Islamic University in Gaza -Yaakov Katz
The Israel Air Force on Monday targeted two laboratories at the Islamic University in Gaza City which served as research and development centers for Hamas' military wing. The development of explosives was done under the auspices of university professors. The IDF said rockets and explosives were stored in the buildings.
According to a poll broadcast on Channel 10, 81% of Israelis support the war in Gaza and only 17% oppose it.
(Jerusalem Post)

Jerusalem: No International Pressure to End Gaza Operation -Herb Keinon
Israel is feeling "no real pressure" from the international community to end the operation in Gaza, senior diplomatic officials said.
Publicly, Israeli officials maintain, some world leaders - especially leaders of Muslim states or countries with large Muslim populations - must harshly condemn Israel's actions to pacify public opinion, while privately they support them.
(Jerusalem Post)
Key Arab States Hope for Weakened Hamas -Zvi Barel
Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which view Hamas as an Iranian ally whose goal is to increase Tehran's regional influence at their expense, prefer to wait a bit in the hopes that Israel's military operation will strip Hamas of its ability to dictate terms.
Arab solidarity with the Palestinians is crumbling under Hamas' leadership.
Palestinians Need Israel to Win -Michael Oren & Yossi Klein Halevi
Israel's current operation in Gaza is essential for creating the conditions that could eventually lead to a two-state solution. Gaza is a test case of Israel's ability to restore its deterrence power and uphold the principle that its citizens cannot be targeted with impunity. Without the assurance that they will be allowed to protect their homes and families following any future withdrawals from the West Bank, Israelis will rightly perceive a two-state solution as an existential threat.
In addition, Israelis will be unwilling to cede strategically vital territories - including on the Golan Heights - in an international environment in which any attempt to defend themselves will be denounced as unjustified aggression.
Israel must be allowed to conclude this operation with a decisive victory over Hamas; the untenable situation of intermittent rocket fire and widespread arms smuggling must not be allowed to resume. This is an opportunity to redress Israel's failure to humble Hizbullah in Lebanon in 2006, and to deal a substantial setback to another jihadist proxy of Iran.
(Wall Street Journal)
(Jerusalem Post)
Key Arab States Hope for Weakened Hamas -Zvi Barel
Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which view Hamas as an Iranian ally whose goal is to increase Tehran's regional influence at their expense, prefer to wait a bit in the hopes that Israel's military operation will strip Hamas of its ability to dictate terms.
Arab solidarity with the Palestinians is crumbling under Hamas' leadership.
Palestinians Need Israel to Win -Michael Oren & Yossi Klein Halevi
Israel's current operation in Gaza is essential for creating the conditions that could eventually lead to a two-state solution. Gaza is a test case of Israel's ability to restore its deterrence power and uphold the principle that its citizens cannot be targeted with impunity. Without the assurance that they will be allowed to protect their homes and families following any future withdrawals from the West Bank, Israelis will rightly perceive a two-state solution as an existential threat.
In addition, Israelis will be unwilling to cede strategically vital territories - including on the Golan Heights - in an international environment in which any attempt to defend themselves will be denounced as unjustified aggression.
Israel must be allowed to conclude this operation with a decisive victory over Hamas; the untenable situation of intermittent rocket fire and widespread arms smuggling must not be allowed to resume. This is an opportunity to redress Israel's failure to humble Hizbullah in Lebanon in 2006, and to deal a substantial setback to another jihadist proxy of Iran.
(Wall Street Journal)
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