Jordanian King Abdullah and family
Mitchell Should Try: The Jordan-Egypt Option -Khaled Abu Toameh
Today, it seems almost certain that the Palestinians will have to live with these two separate and rival entities for quite some time. So the time has come to consider other options, such as involving the Jordanians and the Egyptians in running the affairs of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
President Mubarak and King Abdullah II [say they] do not like the idea, preferring that the Palestinians remain Israel's problem alone. But the Palestinians really need the help of these two countries.
(Hudson Institute-New York)
The Israeli solution –Caroline Glick
Despite the billions of dollars it received from Israel and the West, and the bottomless reserve of international political support it enjoys, the PLO-Fatah regime did not build a state, but a kleptocratic thugocracy where the rule of law was replaced by the rule of the jackboot.
[N]ow that it is clear that the two-state solution has failed, what is the best option for managing the conflict?
[I]f the areas were to revert to Jordanian and Egyptian control, Israel could trust that its security situation would rapidly deteriorate as the prospect of regional war increased. With a retrocession of Gaza, Judea and Samaria to Egyptian and Jordanian rule, Israel would find itself situated within indefensible borders, and facing the likely prospect that the Egyptian and Jordanian regimes would be destabilized.
Today Israel has the ability to enter Gaza without concern that doing so would provoke war with Egypt. IDF forces can [currently] operate freely within the [West Bank] without risking war with Jordan. The IDF controls the long border with Jordan and can prevent terrorist infiltration from the east.
What new policy paradigm should replace the failed two-state solution? The best way to move forward is to reject the calls for a solution and concentrate instead on stabilization.
[Jerusalem Post]
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