US Sen. John Kerry [pictured above] traveled to the Gaza Strip, in the highest-level visit by a US official since Hamas seized power nearly two years ago.
Kerry did not meet with anyone from Hamas, [b]ut the mere presence of the well-known Massachusetts senator and former Democratic presidential nominee was a possible harbinger of a new US approach in the region.
Since taking office last month, President Barack Obama has said he wants to improve US ties with the Muslim world. Kerry is considered close to Obama, and a separate visit to Gaza Thursday by Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim congressman, was another possible sign of [a] new American approach.
Kerry did not meet with anyone from Hamas, [b]ut the mere presence of the well-known Massachusetts senator and former Democratic presidential nominee was a possible harbinger of a new US approach in the region.
Since taking office last month, President Barack Obama has said he wants to improve US ties with the Muslim world. Kerry is considered close to Obama, and a separate visit to Gaza Thursday by Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim congressman, was another possible sign of [a] new American approach.
[Jerusalem Post]
It is naive and wishful thinking to believe Hamas is going to disappear. It would be poor judgment to ignore them and their role with the Palestinians. It would be best to include them and make many demands of the Palestinians and wave big carrots with many conditions and the threat of big sticks in the form of a complete cut off of Western aid if the demands are not met. If Hamas interferes it needs to be very evident to the Palestinians that they are the cause of any failures.
As you'd guess, i disagree. Just when Hamas is the weakest it's been in years, Obama will now reward them for murdering their Fatah opponents and circumventing the democratic process.
It actually disempowers real moderates to do this. Obama would have done better to spurn Hamas...they can not be moderated. The US has been trying to moderate committed jihadist for years...one day they'll stop.
World wide, jihadist will notice that the more trouble one causes, the more legitimacy the world bestows on you.
Right now Kerry, Obama and H. Clinton have stepped foolishly into Carter's shoes.
A lot of this is actjually moot. We do not know what Obama's intentions are regarding Hamas. So far, his people are in the region, but not embracing Hamas. He may be using his current favorable opinion among Muslims to begin to forge a coalition of a state for Palestinians if they reject a Hamas role in leadership. It is too early to be certain in what direction and contecxt this is going to play out. There were many positive signs from Obama towards Israel just a couple of weeks ago, and the reality is this back and fourth from wweek to week does not a set policy make.
But the new US administration sets the tone via Hamas. How can we expect Europe to isolate Hamas if we are flirting.
How can we expect the PA to be empowered when we reward murderous thugs with steps towards recognition. The message to jihadists is clear: the more effective you are, the more we'll listen.
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