A recent photo of University President Amy Gutman [right] at an official University of Pennsylvania Halloween Party. By her side is a Muslim engineering student who says he attended dressed as a "freedom martyr."
Faster than one could say gigabyte, [the photo] was picked up by Winfield Myers and re-posted on his Democracy-Project and Campus Watch Web sites.
"An obvious question: would Gutmann have posed with a guest - or even allowed him into her house - if he'd dressed as Adolf Hitler or a Nazi SS officer? A KKK member?" Myers asked in his blog posting.
"But in modern liberal circles, posing as a Palestinian suicide bomber (see his kefiya) is just fine. After all, he mainly tries to kill innocent Jews," Myers added.
[Philadelphia Inquirer]
I don't really think that is the attitude of liberals. I think that anyone who thought that posing for that picture was amusing and acceptable probably would not have had a big problem with someone dressed as a Nazi or KKK member...unfortunately. Nazis and KKK is far away to the youth of today, and they have little understanding of the forces in this world tearing lives apart in other lands. Even 9/11 has not seemed to change that, if you are not a New Yorker. It is something our educational system will need toa ddress, if we want our nation to continuously progress as a world leader.
While the level of support for Israel in the Dem Party has been the topic of debate of late, I'll agree with you that Myers should have written "modern left-wing circles" and not impugned the entire liberal community.
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