Ahmadinejad - Hostage Taker? -Daniel Pipes
Soon after his election as president of Iran...pictures of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad emerged showing him as a hostage-taker.
A new picture located by Kommersant re-opens this issue, providing new evidence that Ahmadinejad was not some backroom political type but in fact was a automatic gun-wielding hostage-taker.
[I]t brings back, especially for Americans over forty years old, the powerful and enduring humiliation of the 1979-1981 embassy takeover, with the likely consequence of hardening U.S. attitudes toward an Ahmadinejad-led government building nuclear weapons.
The machinery of international politics will likely find it too inconvenient for this unsavory history to be assimilated.
[Kommersant-Moscow daily]
Who was denying this? I have heard it since he came to power. He isn't a nice guy and isn't a friend of the Jews. I'm not sure what the enws is here, but let us nor forget the humiliation of 1979-1981 was in large part due top our propping up the reviled (by his people) Shah of Iran that created the Islamic backlash in that country and fomented the hatred of America in that particular country.For a novel change, while figuring out how to contain this danger, let us learn from our past mistakes!
Ahmadinejad as hostage taker was and is denied by his government and its apologists around the world.
I believe such evidence is significant, as it potentially erodes his international legitimacy...which can only be for the good!
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