Embrace Christian evangelical support -Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
How can a tiny nation, often hated wherever it resides, possibly survive? This has been the paramount question governing Jewish existence for two millennia.
Three solutions have traditionally been offered for the survival of the Jewish people:
*The religious solution - Jews survive only through adherence to their tradition.
*The Zionist solution - Jews can survive only with a country of their own.
*The miraculous solution - Jewish survival is a mystery, a supra-rational sign of God's providence.
For the first time in history there is a fourth and highly potent medium for Jewish survival: non-Jews.
That's right, the one group traditionally identified as the single greatest threat to our continuity is becoming one of the chief guarantors thereof. Specifically, believing Christians are taking it upon themselves to ensure the survival and prosperity of the Jewish people in general, and of Israel in particular.
[I]t is time others in the community overcame their skepticism of Christian support for Israel and accepted that while the two faith communities have substantial issues on which they will always disagree, on the most important issue, the survival of God's chosen people, we are in perfect harmony.
Nice and comforting if true, for more than a select group. Not the attitude you see all through the Vristian world, especially in places outside the US where Jews aren't an influential voting block.
Dennis Prager has a hypothesis that American Christian values are quite distinct from their European counterparts. Their consciousness was formed fleeing persecution by the dominant European Church; thus, American Christians may be significantly more tolerant...this may explain the difference you speak of. The bulk of Christian support of Israel is American.
I believe that many ultra conservative fundamentalists think of Jews much like Muslims, in that they are not real people because they do not believe in Jesus and thus will not make it to Heaven. AL Franken believesd they suypport Israel because they need it to reach the coming of the messiah, and then they will all make it to heaven, minus the Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists, Atheists, Agnostics, Scientologists, etc. If they do believe that, I guess that would be good for israel until the Second Coming, which I, for one, will not be holding my breath for. However, if I am correct, then when oil is used as a weapon and to exert pressure, conservatives will cave and Israel will lose their support when they may need it most. We are not there yet, but in 5-10 years, with growing populations, exapnding indutrialism and shrinking oil supplies, the problems should begin around the time Iran is clearly nuclear, north korea is churning bombs out with efficiency and America will still be paying for the foreign policy and terrorism failures that marked the turn of the century, and the first half of this decade.
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