Israel will use "disproportionate force" if Hizbullah or Syria attack Israel, Major

"What happened in the Dahiya quarter in Beirut [Hizbullah’s operational and residential center] in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired upon. We will apply disproportionate force upon it and cause great damage and destruction there," he said. "From our standpoint, these are not civilian villages, they are military bases." Eizenkot stressed that this is "not a recommendation," but a plan approved at the highest levels.
Disproportionate Force: Israel's Concept of Response -Col. Gabriel Siboni
With an outbreak of hostilities, the IDF will need to act immediately, decisively, and with force...[which] must be aimed at decision-makers and the power elite.
In Syria, punishment should clearly be aimed at the Syrian military, the Syrian regime, and the Syrian state structure. In Lebanon, attacks should both aim at Hizbullah's military capabilities and target economic interests and the centers of civilian power. The closer the relationship between Hizbullah and the Lebanese government, the more the elements of the Lebanese state infrastructure should be targeted.
Such a response will create a lasting memory among Syrian and Lebanese decision-makers, thereby increasing Israeli deterrence and reducing the likelihood of hostilities against Israel for an extended period.
(Institute for National Security Studies-Tel Aviv University)
A reasonable and sound strategy. While I am sure there will also always remain the possibility of unexpected strikes on suspected WMD sites as well, this seems rationale and effective. Much more in keeping with an advanced and civilized country that intends to remain in existence, then the preemptive war doctrine that the US has used the last 7 years to inflame tensions and waste resources.
Perhaps, but the UN is supposed to prevent Hizbullah from rebuilding their forces. They are not doing so. Hizbullah is, by some reports, stronger than they were before the 2nd Lebanon War. They're bankrolled by Iran and may soon dominate the Lebanese government.
Waiting for Hizbullah to strike is not a comforting position to be in.
Israel mistakenly relied on the impotent world community [UN] to keep Hizbullah at bay. They should have destroyed their jihad infrastructure while they were there. Lesson: don't rely on anyone to do your bidding. Peacekeepers do nothing of the sort.
In reality, unlike anything the US has experienced n recent times, except 9/11---hence our going into Afghanistan---Israel has had enough provocation to take on Hizbullah or Hamas whenever the need seems to arise.
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