Candidates Need to Stop Talking about Israel -Shmuel Rosner
The presidential candidates are constantly asked about Israel by an American media that is sometimes obsessed with that country. But the constant mentions of Israel in every election cycle do little to serve Israel's interest.
Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as important as it might be, will not be a strategic life-changing event for the U.S.
Advisers to both candidates have recognized that.
The presidential candidates are constantly asked about Israel by an American media that is sometimes obsessed with that country. But the constant mentions of Israel in every election cycle do little to serve Israel's interest.
Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as important as it might be, will not be a strategic life-changing event for the U.S.
Advisers to both candidates have recognized that.
As I mention in another comment to a different post, it is probably best that we make it clear we are backing up Israel's security from nations like Iran, and just leave this situation alone for a while. Like a spoiled child, the Palestinians are getting too much attention these days!
Since, in an election year though, Israel does come up a lot, let it not be forgotten how important John McCain and Sarah Palin think Israel is. Sarah Palin was going to visit it recently until she found out it was in the Middle East, and not a city in Florida. John McCain was going to visit again recently, but was too busy conferring with General Petraeus, whom from the debates I gather he speaks with him about 8x's a day. John thinks the good General is so on top of things he decided to let him run his campaign. By the way, though Republican's believe that the surge worked, bringing violence down with thousands of more soldiers was no more a surprise then the way Bill Clinton brought crime down with a 100,000 new police across the country, but some feel we could have used a few more soldiers in Afghanistan, where the actual terrorists were. Anyway, thanks to the good General, John McCain's campaign is doing about as well as Iraq and Afghanistan, meaning he may not win the popular vote and he may not win the electoral college, but just like the Republicans released an advance report clearing Sarah Palin from abuse of power violations right before the Alaskan bipartisan commission found her guilty, the Republicans are now considering using the military on a preemptive strike against all the blue states, but are also promising that when the smoke clears, not to worry, because John and Sarah know just how important Israel is. And you can bet if elected, they will continue the good work of W. Bush and Rice, in their fervent belief that someday, they can do for Israel what they have accomplished for Iraq and Afghanistan
This post is as close as I can get to commenting on the election. It is my fervent belief that combating radical Islam is a bipartisan issue.
However, i can safely say that you are the king of sarcasm.
I fervently believe you are correct that fighting terrorism will require a bipartisan effort. I also believe we need a vast change in the leadership at the head of that effort.
By the way, thanks for crowning me King, but whether in America, or thanks to America, now in Iraq, I can run and be democratically elected to President of Sarcasm, thank you very much!
President it is then!
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