Common Interests Unite U.S., Israel -Frida Ghitis
Almost all major American politicians profess strong and unbreakable support for the State of Israel.
In 1819, then ex-President John Adams wrote, ''I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.'' President Theodore Roosevelt supported Israel three decades before its founding when he wrote, ''It seems to me entirely proper to start a Zionist state around Jerusalem.''
According to foreign policy scholar Walter Russell Mead, American politicians support Israel because the American people - not just the Jews - support Israel. It's as simple as that. And it has been that way since long before the founding of modern Israel in 1948.
[A]lthough Jews make up less than 2% of the [US] population, pollsters show popular support for Israel has remained overwhelming.
Those who think ''Jewish money'' plays the key role forget that few countries have more money than oil-rich Arab nations that also lobby heavily in Washington. But they don't enjoy the passionate and widespread backing that Israel has throughout the U.S. and across the political spectrum.
(Miami Herald)
Almost all major American politicians profess strong and unbreakable support for the State of Israel.
In 1819, then ex-President John Adams wrote, ''I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.'' President Theodore Roosevelt supported Israel three decades before its founding when he wrote, ''It seems to me entirely proper to start a Zionist state around Jerusalem.''
According to foreign policy scholar Walter Russell Mead, American politicians support Israel because the American people - not just the Jews - support Israel. It's as simple as that. And it has been that way since long before the founding of modern Israel in 1948.
[A]lthough Jews make up less than 2% of the [US] population, pollsters show popular support for Israel has remained overwhelming.
Those who think ''Jewish money'' plays the key role forget that few countries have more money than oil-rich Arab nations that also lobby heavily in Washington. But they don't enjoy the passionate and widespread backing that Israel has throughout the U.S. and across the political spectrum.
(Miami Herald)
I find this very interesting and something I did not know anything about. I plan to learn more about this, though.
Indeed, Christian Zionism is as old as the hills...well, maybe not that old. But it predates the evangelical version. Tis fascinating.
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