Friday, August 03, 2007

Sitting on the fence for 60 years

Arabs on the Fence -Editorial

The Arab states, not the Palestinians, we must remember, created the Arab-Israeli conflict. These states played a major role in tipping the scales toward radical Palestinians before Israel's establishment, invaded Israel in 1948, and created the PLO in 1964, when Gaza, Judea and Samaria were held by Egypt and Jordan. For the last 60 years, including during the heyday of the peace process in the mid-1990s, most Arab states have continued to wage diplomatic warfare against Israel, maintaining their trade and diplomatic boycotts.

The Arab states cannot have it both ways. They cannot urge the U.S. to act while barely lifting a finger to remove impediments to action that are largely of their own making and certainly within their power to ameliorate. The Saudis and other Arab states can take serious steps to dismantle the monster they created and continue to feed: the Arab-Israeli conflict. Attending a conference would be nice, but it is substance that matters.

The key substantive things they can do is to stop their diplomatic warfare against Israel, drop their illegal trade boycotts, combat the rampant anti-Semitism in their countries, and start openly breaking it to the Palestinians that their "right of return" can only be to a future state of Palestine, not to Israel.
(Jerusalem Post)

1 comment:

LHwrites said...

All true. Unfortunately, they also helped breed the extremists terrorists that now would take them to task for showing peaceful intentions towards Israel. They must first start an educative process in their countries to reverse the culture of mistrust and hatred they created. Fortunately, most of these governments are afraid of terrorists and Iran attempting to destabilize them, so there is some incentive there. It will not be a quick and easy process to reverse so many years of bad decisions.