Monday, March 22, 2010

Americans get the MidEast!

Poll Finds Americans Side with Israel

Americans, by a significant margin, believe the U.S. should support Israel in its conflict with Palestinians, a poll shows.

80% agree with the statement, "Enemies of America use the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as an excuse to create anti-American sentiment. Even if the dispute is settled, they would find another excuse to justify their hostility towards America."

73% said the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is about ideology and religion, not land.

64% said they believed Iran will pursue a goal of destroying Israel, and 80% believed Iran's nuclear program would make it easier for terrorist groups to gain access to nuclear weapons.


LHwrites said...

These are strong and heartening numbers. It is why America has always been a friend to Israel, and why any Administration would be wise to continue that trend!

Bruce said...

Indeed: any [and this] administration would be wise to pay heed. If you feel they're not heeding, consider emailing: