Kenneth W. Stein...a former executive director of the Carter Center, resigned as a fellow of the center on Tuesday, ending a 23-year association with the institution. Stein cited concerns with the accuracy and integrity of Carter's latest book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.
Stein wrote to Carter: "Aside from the one-sided nature of the book, meant to provoke, there are recollections cited from meetings where I was the third person in the room, and my notes of those meetings show little similarity to points claimed in the book."
(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
UPDATED: A wonderful VideoBite is available at the following link, showing Jay Leno confronting Carter:
UPDATED AGAIN: [1/12/07]: This time it appears that Carter Center Board members are ending their relationship with Carter and his work. He may be getting a lot of media attention, but his isolation is increasing. See these below for more information:
Fourteen Carter Center Advisors Resign Over Book - Ernie Suggs
Fourteen members of a Carter Center advisory board quit Thursday in protest of Jimmy Carter's latest book. In a letter to Carter, the members of the Board of Councilors wrote that the former president had "clearly abandoned your historic role of broker, in favor of becoming an advocate for one side."
(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
And a link to the actual letter of resignation:
Thankx to David for this info!
Whatever the motivation, the bizarre direction Carter's ideas have taken will turn his later years into anything but the promising twilight his good intentions and strong efforts seemed to promise in the 70's, 80's and 90's. He was once a thoughtful and caring man who was an ineffective president. Now he is becoming a caricature of himself as he attempts, through distasteful means, to gain attention at the risk of alienating all but the most anti-semitic readers. HIs audience will not be the people he once reached, and he will fade into the background, occassionally speaking in southern venues where the Klan will be his biggest fan. It is sad, and a little hard to explain, but it will be difficult for him to stem the tide, if indeed he even sees the error of his ways.
I'd like to think that he'd fade into obscurity, as you predict. I fear his type of thinking will slowly erode the historic US concensus supporting little Israel.
I hope you are correct.
The Dems have begun distancing themselves from him...let's hope they they marginalize him at their next convention...
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