It is hard to comprehend how the execution of a cruel dictator, personally responsible for the murder of more than one million Iraqis, Iranians, Kurds, and Shi'ites during his 24 years in power, came as such a shock to the high-minded souls of the world, especially those in the EU who called the hanging of Saddam Hussein a "barbaric act."
1 comment:
Though I am opposed to the death penalty for many reasons, from the fact that DNA evidence exonerates many a "guilty" party years after they could have been executed, to the concept that "vengeance is mine" sayeth the lord and "thou shalt not murder", etc. et al. However, whatw as most troubling about this, is with all the crimes aginst humanity that this man has, supposedly, clearly perpetrated, why his trial was run so poorly that international watchdog groups are saying he didn't get a fair trial. Yet there was a rush to execute him. The execution turned into a lowbrow affair that made Saddam seem more a martyr than anything else, whcih is always a risk when you execute a polarizing figure instead of trying them for many cromes, and then leaving them imprisoned to be forgotten. This was turned into another failure (unless the only goal was one man's death) when it could have been, as much as any execution could, a cleansing event for a new beginning. But, of course, the rest of the situation is so bad in Iraq that it probably could never have risen above what it ultimately was.
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