Mahmoud Abbas and the "Cease-Fire" - Editorial
In its effort to marginalize Palestinian rejectionists, the Bush administration is seeking to prop up PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, despite a considerable body of evidence that Abbas is not a serious partner for peace.
The cease-fire forestalled an Israeli invasion of Gaza to thwart [rocket fire, and] has permitted terrorists to continue smuggling arms from Egypt into Gaza.
Islamofascist forces are growing stronger and Israel's deterrent capability grows weaker.
(Washington Times)
Not that I mind everyone joining in on Bush bashing, but he can't win with anyone anymore...not even the neo-con fascists (not to be confused with Islamofascists) at the Washington Times. Bush is merely doing what the Israelis are doing. Choosing the lesser of two evils, and working with Abbas over Hamas. Bush joins with Israeli policies and gets raked over the coals for it. But where was the criticism of the Washington Times over all the boneheaded moves in Iraq? Nowhere to be found, until some very recent and rather mild stuff.
So you won't join critiques of Bush from the Right...too bad. Because, if the Dems are to retake the White House, they'll have to do this very thing.
Propping up Abbas comes from false hopes including "the cult of personality" notion that with the right leadership...
This was tried with Arafat, whom people believed was a strong enough leader to change the course of a mighty river...look how that turned out. Abbas doesn't nearly have the capacity for leadership...let's stop waiting for another Anwar Sadat.
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