[T]his week's bloody battles between Fatah and Hamas terrorists in Gaza showed...that Abbas is anything but weak. When he wishes to confront Hamas, he is more than capable of doing so. The reason that peace has eluded us is not because Abbas is weak but because he doesn't want peace with Israel. He will battle Hamas to enhance his power but not to secure chances of peace with Israel. Far from the key to ending the Palestinian jihad against Israel, Abbas is part of the problem.
[Jerusalem Post]
I don't think there is enough evidence for this conclusion. When he isfighting Hamas he is fighting for his life. To fight Hamas on behalf of peace with Israel could be political, if not actual, suicide, as long as the people support, as evidenced by the election, Hamas. Abbas, or anyone, cannot fight on behalf of Israel until the people are aligned behind them. I believe the Palestinians embrace of Hamas was out of frustration and desperation, more than a desire to keep fighting against Israel. While security is paramount, Israel will need to be the one to make concessions, and many of them, if there will ever be peace. Concessions don't always have to be about land. It may need to be economic, and lift some of the restricitons that humiliate the common Palestinians, and forever remind them who the real power in their land is. It is not an extremists approach and barely palatable to some, but the history of a carrot with a stick has more success than just a big stick. This is the mature route that countries like America used to take. When we were run by mature administrations.
In following up...I just found this on the AP at Yahoo....
JERUSALEM - Israel's prime minister on Monday ordered the military to dismantle more than two dozen of the West Bank checkpoints that have disrupted Palestinian travel, as part of a package of gestures Israel hopes will boost Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Despite Olmert's moves, Fatah is still synonymous with terror...Abbas continues in the tradition of Arafat, saying one thing and doing another.
Peace will not be achieved with him.
As Israel foolishly dismantles West Bank checkpoints, you can begin a countdown to the next terror attack in Israel, the natural result of this self-destructive move.
After an attack they'll rebuild the checkpoints.
Israeli blood will be the price of this gesture, in which Israel receives nothing: no kidnapped solider, no disarming of militias, no end to rocket fire.
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