Iran's new Islamic-guided government has established a system [of] "sigheh" or "temporary marriages," by which a mullah arranges a "legal union" between a man and a girl (some as young as nine years old) for a fee.
The so-called marriage can last anywhere from one hour to 99 years. Under this system, men are free to enter into as many temporary marriages as they so desire, without having any legal obligation or responsibility toward the children that they "marry," only to use as sexual objects and slaves.
(Jerusalem Post)
I read the entire article and it was quite well written and convincing, and the author seems to be a credible source. After going o=through Amnesty International's website, I could not verify the main thrust of this soundbite, but did find documentation for the many abuses and horrors contained in the entire article, including executing minors in Iran. There is no doubt that Iran would be relegated to a backwater third world nation and ignored if not for its oil, and the subsequent threats it can purchase with the money that oil brings. It is another example of why it is imperative that the world community start viewing terrorism as a unifying problem, and stop using their places on the UN security council to throw roadblocks in the way of real action because of petty self interest. The choice will be the free worlds; a future with more promise then ever before, or one fraught with the perils of unchecked terrorist states.
I wish I could say it's limited to Iran. Unfortunately, the following problems appear present in many areas where Islamic religious law enjoys particular prominence regulating the law of the land:
*mandated dress codes for women
*temporary marriages
*"honor" killings of women
*female genital mutilation [removal of clitoris during childhood].
Just recently, Turkey made some moves [hopefully not for show] against "honor" killings, setting up safehouses for women whose families may attempt to kill them...
Yes, many of those other things you mention are well docmented and pandemic, and some are not just limited to Islam. From Africa to India to Pakistan there are many cultures that have yet to see the light, and have not had the appropriate amounts of pressure exerted by the rest of the free world.
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