Pre-empting Iran -Elliot Chodoff
Israel cannot expect to survive a successful nuclear attack. With a population of seven million concentrated largely along the coast in a few major metropolitan areas, Israel is simply too compact...
The loss of two major cities would spell the elimination of Israel.
Israel cannot afford to rely on the threat of retaliation to deter an Iranian nuclear attack. The possibility that Iran's leaders will calculate that Iran can survive an Israeli retaliatory strike, jeopardizes the survival of Israel.
[Mideast: On Target]
1 comment:
I agree, and it is perhaps the most dangerous time for Israel in its history, and, I am afraid, going to get more dangerous. America's ineptitude in the middle east, and subsequent empowerment of the rising Iran, has been far more dangerous for Israel than for us. All is not hopeless, the world could unify against this, but there is no longer a country occupying the moral high ground to make the case. There need to be new accords for a new nuclear age. The UN security council must make it clear that a nuclear confrontation will become a nuclear exchange, and that any nuclear force against a member nation will involve retaliation from security council members. With nuclear tensions between India and pakistan, nuclear weapons being developed by Iran and North Korea,, and poverty stricken embattled masses embroiled in atrocities throughout the horn of Africa, there can be no doubt of a nuclear "incident" if left unchecked.
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