The End of Deterrence - S. Enders Wimbush
Iran's leadership has spoken of its willingness - in their words - to "martyr" the entire Iranian nation as a way to accelerate an inevitable, apocalyptic collision between Islam and the West that will result in Islam's final worldwide triumph.
Many European strategists speak of "managing" a nuclear Iran. This is a lethal naivete. We have no idea how to deter ideological actors.
(Weekly Standard)
As long as extremists rule, there is no room for any nuclear terrorist state. That must be unequivocal, and united throughout the free world. There will be ahrd choices between special sekf interests and the good of the free world, and all pressure must be applied to China and Russia to make sure they go along with any steps necessary toward these goals. A bad sign, is the recent testing of anti satellite technology by China. These are not the actions of a cooperative peace seeking nation. But since they may merely be seeking to catch up to parity with the US, it may not be as grave an indicator as some may think. ONly time will tell, but there is no doubt that the free world, and Israel most of all, cannot tolerate even one moment of a nuclear Iran.
Indeed, indeed.
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