Iran with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told The Jerusalem Post hours after entering the party leadership position.
The Maryland Democrat said the view is shared by his party, rejecting assertions that the Democrats would be weaker than the Republicans on Iran.
He also said that the use of force against Teheran remained an option.
[Jerusalem Post]
In truth, regardless what the Democrats stance was on Iran, it would have been very hard indeed for anyone to be softer on Iran than the Republicans. They were the ones that started the process that is empowering Iran in the first place.
I'm hopeful that the Dem will continue this trend of sounding intelligent on security issues and terrorism. If they want the Oval Office back, it is mandatory.
I was also pleased to read that Democrat Barbara Boxer kicked some sand at CAIR. From Newsweek:
"Sen. Barbara Boxer recalled an award she recently gave to an Islamic activist because of his ties to a major American Muslim organization—that critics say has ties to terrorist activities."
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