Monday, July 30, 2007

Dore Gold: Fatah illusion

Dahlan Isn't the Answer -Dore Gold

The latest clashes between Fatah and Hamas made many forget how closely the two organizations cooperated on the operational level over the years.

Fatah is willing to cooperate with Israel at a time of weakness, but can quickly renew its partnership with Hamas and other violent organizations, as was the case in the past decade.
(Ynet News)


LHwrites said...

Fatah is not a friend of Israel. It never has been. The question is whether a chastened Fatah is in a position to accept Israel because it now finds itself in an even worse position than Israel, because unlike Israel, it faces becoming irrelevant or extinct because of Hamas. Hamas may bring about all it has fought against by turning against its own people and forcing them to ally with Israel. It is not clear cut or a sure thing, but it is an interesting scenario that cannot be ignored.

Bruce said...

There is a potential opening...but the world would be wise to test that determination prior to arming them to the teeth, only to have those weapons turn up in the hands of the sleazeballs.