Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hamas leaders scurry away thru an underground "maze of tunnels"

Israeli Forces Clear Pockets of Resistance in Gaza -Amos Harel

In homes belonging to active Hamas members, escape tunnels were uncovered, as well as large quantities of military equipment.

IDF Confronts Hamas-Built Underground City -Hanan Greenberg

Hamas' division and brigade commanders are hiding under the ground. According to IDF soldiers operating in northern Gaza, Hamas has built an underground city of tunnels and holes paved with weapons.

An air force strike not far from Shifa Hospital hit a weapons cache hidden in the area. Following the explosion, the bottom part of the bunker was blown away, exposing a maze of tunnels.
(Ynet News)


LHwrites said...

I am sure you have been waiting to use that picture for some time.

Bruce said...

Actually, this time the idea for a close up of a rat came from reading the news articles. Oddly, it was not hard to find a good picture of a rat. There are so many of them, in Gaza and on the net.

LHwrites said...

Sure. Rats are very popular. And in some countriues they are indeed considered 'the other white meat'. (Or should that be Grey meat?)

Bruce said...

I've heard of Ratatouille, but that's vegetarian.

I heard that squirels were getting popular in London, but rats? Yuk.