Gaza Cease-Fire Options Weighed -Amos Harel & Avi Issacharoff
None of the major international players want to strengthen Hamas. France and Egypt are currently leading the cease-fire efforts, yet their proposals are far closer to Israel's demands than to those of Hamas. Therefore, unless Hamas gives in and accepts these proposals, the fighting is likely to continue.

Israel Announces Daily Three-Hour Lull for Humanitarian Aid -James Hider
Israel is to halt military operations for three hours a day in Gaza to enable aid to flow through a humanitarian corridor.
Civilians Die at UN-Run School in Gaza that Hamas Was Firing From
-Griff Witte & Sudarsan Raghavan
Israeli soldiers battling Hamas gunmen in Gaza fired mortar shells at a UN-run school where Palestinians had sought refuge from the fighting, after Hamas fighters launched mortar shells from the school. The Israeli military said its soldiers fired in self-defense. The incident underscored the dangers Palestinian civilians face as Israeli soldiers fight their way across Gaza against an enemy that does not wear uniforms or operate from bases, but instead mingles with the population.
(Washington Post)
The Tragedy at the School in Gaza
The Israeli fire landed outside the school, yet a series of explosions followed, indicating the presence of munitions and explosives in the building.
Intelligence indicates that among those killed were Immad Abu Iskar and Hassan Abu Iskar, two known Hamas mortar crewmen.
(Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
It is good you show pictures of Israelis threatened by Hamas rockets. In the press we don't hear enough about this, only what the Palestinians go through during retaliation.
I was very tempted to feature a pix or two of injured Palestinian Arabs in the school attack. My heart is heavy from that...
But i could not bring myself to add to the proliferation of images of Arab as victim.
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