Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jihad's Money Woes

Hizbullah Facing Financial Problems -Erich Follath

In recent months, Hizbullah has become involved in disastrous investments, losing almost $1.4 billion.

The Iranians, who are now feeling the brunt of UN sanctions, have made it clear that they cannot provide Hizbullah with additional funding at this time. 

This is embarrassing for Hizbullah, whose image in Lebanon depends in large part on its generous social services. It is now falling behind in the rebuilding of homes it had promised to Hizbullah's Shiite followers after the destructive 2006 Lebanon war.
(Der Spiegel-Germany)


LHwrites said...

These things are bound to happen. It shows we must be resolved to stay the sanction course with Iran.

Bruce said...
