Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Smiling Saudi Cleric Offers 100K for Kidnapping Israeli Soldiers

Saudi Cleric: Kidnap Israeli Soldier - Get $100,000 -Roee Nahmias

Top Saudi cleric Dr. Awad al-Qarni [pictured] is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who kidnaps Israeli soldiers. "I declare to the world that any Palestinian who will jail an Israeli soldier and exchange him for prisoners will be rewarded with a $100,000 prize," he wrote on his Facebook page.

The post has already received more than 1,000 likes and extensive coverage in Hamas-affiliated newspapers in Gaza.
(Ynet News)


LHwrites said...

Maybe he should end up one of the prisoners he hopes will be exchanged!

Bruce said...

Excellent grab him, I'll put a bag over his smiling face...