Friday, July 08, 2011

The Threat of Jihad Physicians: death docs to help evade bomb detection

Beware of Dr. Jihad -Michelle Malkin

[H]omeland security officials have sent fresh warnings to foreign governments that "human bombs" may try to board planes with surgically implanted explosives. The ticking terrorists are reportedly getting help from murder-minded Arab Muslim physicians trained in the West.

Infidels beware: Dr. Jihad's version of the health care oath omits the "no" in "Do no harm."

The death docs may be using their expertise to play "Hide the IED" [improvised explosive device] in body cavities that bomb-detection equipment cannot penetrate. At least one Saudi operative has been nabbed with explosives in his bum, and British intel picked up on Arab website chatter last year about possible breast-bomb inserts. Officials are now said to be on the lookout for physicians' notes requesting that passengers be allowed to carry syringes — which could carry detonation chemicals.

Lest you shrug off reports of these literal booby-traps as empty fear-mongering, listen up:  "It's more than aspirational," one U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal. "They're trying to make this happen."

There should be no shock at the role of purported healers in these and other hellish plots to destroy masses of innocent lives in the name of Allah. [R]adical Islam's bloody perversion of the medical profession traces back to the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood, the global terror operation that wooed wealthy young docs and other intellectual elites with cushy union benefits...
[Jewish World Review]


LHwrites said...

Sad. And dangerous. What else is there to say. Evil is very resourceful. We must be ever vigilant.

Bruce said...

Indeed: ever vigilant.