with Ahmadinejad last week
US rabbi dines with Ahmadinejad -Allison Hoffman
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb joined about 300 people - including Mennonite pastors and a radical Muslim cleric - for a traditional breaking of the Ramadan fast on Thursday evening before Iranian President Ahmadinejad left New York.
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb joined about 300 people - including Mennonite pastors and a radical Muslim cleric - for a traditional breaking of the Ramadan fast on Thursday evening before Iranian President Ahmadinejad left New York.
Outside, several hundred people gathered waving Israeli flags and signs reading "No feast for the beast."
[T]he Iranian leader told the US General Assembly that Israel was on its way to collapse and could not escape from the "cesspool" of violence "created by itself and supporters."
[Jerusalem Post]
Guess who's coming to dinner -Leslie Palma-Simoncek
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League said, "breaking bread with President Ahmadinejad is a perversion of the search for peace and an appalling betrayal of religious values."
[Staten Island Live]
During the dinner with Ahmadinejad a New Jersey rally was held in front of Ten Thousand Villages, a store in Highland Park owned by the Menonnite Central Committe, one of the groups sponsoring the dinner.
[Speaking: Andrew Getraer, head of Rutgers University's Hillel]
[Photo: Andrew Miller/Courier News]
Christian Embassy blasts 'dialogue dinner' -Etgar Lefkovits & Allsion Hoffman
A prominent Christian organization blasted a group of Mennonite and Quaker leaders who are hosting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a dialogue dinner in New York City, and said that they would always be associated with "appeasement of the wicked."
[Jerusalem Post]
A prominent Christian organization blasted a group of Mennonite and Quaker leaders who are hosting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a dialogue dinner in New York City, and said that they would always be associated with "appeasement of the wicked."
[Jerusalem Post]
It is not a secret that there are Jews who do not agree with the existence of Israel at this time. Nevertheless, giving credibility to a leader who has called for the destruction of another country is insupportable. These religious leaders should suffer financial sanctions here in America equal to anything wrought on Iran. Despicable as the views of the leaders of Iran are, no one is calling for the destruction of their country.
Best I can tell Rabbi Gottlieb and the other religious "pacifists" believe they are forging some sort of historic alliance that will:
*help prevent the US or Israel from launching a strike on Iran
*build bridges of some sort.
I believe Rabbi Gottlieb may even self-identify as a Zionist.
But their misguidedness makes the situation worse, as it:
*empowers the most radical elements in Iran
*disempowers moderates in Iran calling for change
*and makes it more likely that the military option will have to be used as they will see American support as a justification to forge ahead with their rhetoric and nuke stuff.
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