[Islamist] preacher of hate Omar Bakri [below, right] claimed the former Beatle’s decision to take part in the Jewish state’s 60th anniversary celebrations had made him an enemy of all Muslims. Sources said Sir Paul was shocked but refused to be intimidated.

Yesterday a number of websites described him as an infidel...
Explaining his comments, Bakri told the Sunday Express: “Our enemy’s friend is our enemy. Thus Paul McCartney is the enemy of every Muslim. We have what we call ‘sacrifice’ operatives who will not stand by while he joins in a celebration of oppression."
“If he values his life Mr. McCartney must not come to Israel. He will not be safe there. The[y] will be waiting for him.”
[Daily Express-UK]
1 comment:
Sad and Crazy. I do not think all Muslims will go along with this, so I think in the long run he'll be safe. In the short run, at the concert, if he chooses to perform, I would think if anyone can manage to keep him safe, Israel can do it. Let us all hope and pray so. It certainly would not help Muslims anywhere in the world to be associated with such a horrible choice if the extremists possibly made good with this threat.
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