Not everyone is ready to let it be over Paul McCartney's upcoming show in Tel Aviv.
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel has called on the former Beatle to cancel the show: "[J]oining [our] growing boycott against Israeli would do justice to the legendary legacy of the Beatles."
In response, [pro-Israel] StandWithUs representative Joy Wolfe sent a letter to McCartney saying, "...when you appear in Tel Aviv you can expect to have a mixed audience of Jews, Muslims and Christians, something that would be impossible in any Arab country."
[T]icket sales for the show passed the 25,000 mark at the beginning of the week.
[Jerusalem Post]
I look forward to all the good press Mr. McCartney will receive from his show and visit.
Unless he cancels the show...I hope he's not vulnerable to Palestinian propaganda.
You can count on my covering the every aspect of this story:
I'm a big Beatles fan, a Paul fan and [in case no one noticed] a fan of Israel.
Unless his security has grave concerns, I cannot believe he will cancel this show. I would have to believe it was well thought out ahead of the announcements. We will have to hope for the best. I suspected you might harbor some positive feelings about Israel.
You're probably right.
where is this link? I dont think Macca should be in the Middle East either,.. my deep honest opinion
BTW tickets have already been selling for the gig
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