Aaron Klein, terrorism expert and author of the book, Schmoozing with Terrorists, said he called senior leaders from every major Palestinian terror organization, and not one had heard of McCartney or the Beatles.
Klein said he proceeded to sing to the terrorists top Beatles songs, including "Yesterday," "Let It Be" and "She Loves You," but the tunes didn't ring a bell for a single one.

"I don't know any of this," said Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman and senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees terror group.
Abu Ahmed, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in Gaza, told Klein, "We don't know these Beatles."
[Market Watch]
See, now, I find this a little hard to believe. Not only that they would have no clue to the Beatles, but that it is so easy to call senior leaders of terrorist organizations, especially when your name is Aaron Klein. I think it is unlikely that there will be an attempt on McCartney's life. I don't think that will be viewed as a way to help any cause. I read the entire article. The media contact is a public relations firm, Klein is listed as the available topic expert and he is the source for the article. I can't say it is definitely untrue, but if, as seems likely, there is no attempt made on Paul's life, this would make it look like Klein was indeed the "go to man" for this sort of thing. However, this article does not convince me that this should be so.
Aaron Klein's book "Schmoozing With Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land" was well received and revealing, though i did not read it myself.
BUT, this piece contradicts my September 1st post, where The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel called on Paul to stay home.
As you pointed out previously, Israeli security is damn good...if Paul becomes a jihad target [G*d forbid], it's more likely to happen on the streets of London than those of Tel Aviv.
They could call for a boycott without actually threatening lives. They could, but I am not sure if they would. I don't know, but I can't imagine who could believe they would gain anything but hostile feelings, killing a world cultural icon like Paul. Then again, I don't claim to understand how any terrorist ac is supposed to accomplish the supposed goals.
Ah, interesting you should point out how illogical killing Paul would be from a political perspective.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the MidEast is how the rules of the game are so different than anywhere else. For instance:
If a fervent Catholic said s/he wanted to reinstate the Papacy to rule Europe, they'd be dismissed as silly.
Dismissing as silly a jihadist who talks about reinstating the caliphate, may be dangerous to our health. They march to the beat of a different logic.
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