Raw wastewater from the West Bank cities of Hebron, Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin and their adjacent villages are pumped either to sewage pits or local treatment facilities, where they undergo little to no treatment before being pumped out to major West Bank streams.
The West Bank cities have several treatment infrastructure plans in the works, but most are still only on paper. Creating an infrastructure which could both remedy the existing situation and avert future pollution is expected to cost $200 million, and Israel, international environmental groups and the World Bank are willing to foot the bill. The problem is that the Palestinians see any cooperation on this issue as "collaboration" with Israel.
(Ynet News)
Israel isn't up for 'footing the bill' as they've placed enough water policies through military orders and discriminatory water practices against the Palestinians.
Not true. The Palestinian Authority has consistantly refused to use international aide monies to improve their water infrastructure. Most aide money goes to no-show jobs for Fatah...these 'jobs' attempt to buy loyalty to their pathetic party.
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