Living to Bomb Another Day -Ronen Bergman
Seven years after 9/11, it may well be that we are witnessing the beginning of the end of suicide terrorism and a shift toward advanced technologies that will enable jihadist bombers to carry out attacks and live to fight another day.
[W]e have failed miserably in finding a solution to the “poor man’s smart bomb.” Now, however, attrition may achieve what the experts have not: Al Qaeda’s suicide-recruitment mechanisms are beginning to wear out.
[M]ilitary blows against Al Qaeda’s training structure since 2001 have meant that the number of extremists with combat experience is decreasing, and that new recruits are harder to train.
Al Qaeda’s technical experts [are] seeking technical solutions, that would render suicide unnecessary. These solutions revolve around remote controls — vehicles, robots and model airplanes loaded with explosives and directed toward their targets from a safe distance. One extremist pointed out the ease with which such robots can be acquired commercially.
[I]n a document posted at Maarek, [a] jihadist forum for discussing explosives manufacturing, a prolific technical expert suggested training dogs to recognize American troops’ uniforms, then releasing dogs carrying improvised explosive devices toward American soldiers so the bombs can be detonated from a safe distance.
[New York Times]
[W]e have failed miserably in finding a solution to the “poor man’s smart bomb.” Now, however, attrition may achieve what the experts have not: Al Qaeda’s suicide-recruitment mechanisms are beginning to wear out.
[M]ilitary blows against Al Qaeda’s training structure since 2001 have meant that the number of extremists with combat experience is decreasing, and that new recruits are harder to train.
Al Qaeda’s technical experts [are] seeking technical solutions, that would render suicide unnecessary. These solutions revolve around remote controls — vehicles, robots and model airplanes loaded with explosives and directed toward their targets from a safe distance. One extremist pointed out the ease with which such robots can be acquired commercially.
[I]n a document posted at Maarek, [a] jihadist forum for discussing explosives manufacturing, a prolific technical expert suggested training dogs to recognize American troops’ uniforms, then releasing dogs carrying improvised explosive devices toward American soldiers so the bombs can be detonated from a safe distance.
[New York Times]
I don't know if it is true that their apparatus is breaking down. I have seen nothing convincing that their recruitment is down and I am sure they are finding places to train. However, I am sure they are interested in ways to get through current checkpoints and defenses, and view this as "necessary progress" in the war they choose to wage primarily against innocent people and non-military targets.
It probably has gotten harder to train folks, except in remote areas. And there is some evidence that their strategies are backfiring: more Muslims are victims of terror than anyone else. They may indeed have trouble recruiting in that environment.
But you are correct, that the analysis is speculative.
Oh, and good picture. You always find good graphics. You have inspired me at least to have a graphic with each post, but for my latest I admit I have yet to find something that I find appropriate.
Thankx...i was surprised how few good photos of angry dogs i could find. Go figure.
Excellent, thankx for informing us.
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